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git-annex: Initialize a repo with Git annex.
$ git annex init
try on your machine

The git annex init command is used to initialize a Git repository as a Git-annex repository. Git-annex is an extension to Git that helps manage large files and their storage across multiple locations.

When you run git annex init, it performs the following actions:

  1. It initializes a regular Git repository if one does not already exist. This is done with the git init command.
  2. It sets up Git-annex in the repository by creating a .git directory and adding additional files and folders specific to Git-annex.
  3. It enables an optional repository description by asking you to set a description for the repository.
  4. It initializes the annex configuration by creating a new .git/config file and populating it with default settings.
  5. It sets up a local annex branch that stores the metadata about the annexed files.
  6. It configures the repository to enable the automatic committing of changes made by Git-annex, such as adding or removing files from the annex.

Once git annex init is executed, your Git repository is ready to use Git-annex for managing files, content distribution, and storage tracking.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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