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git-annotate: Print a file with the author email and commit hash prepended to each line.
$ git annotate -e ${filename}
try on your machine
The command "git annotate -e ${filename}" is used to view the file annotation (also known as blame) in Git and open it in a text editor.
Here is the breakdown of the command:
- "git" refers to the Git version control system.
- "annotate" is a Git subcommand used to display a file with line-by-line annotation (blame) of each line, showing the author and the last commit that modified that line.
- "-e" is an optional flag that indicates opening the file in a text editor.
- "${filename}" is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual filename or path of the file you want to display the annotations for.
So, when you execute the "git annotate -e ${filename}" command, Git will display the annotations for the specified file and open it in a text editor, allowing you to see who made each change to each line of the file.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.