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git-apply: Print messages about the patched files.
$ git apply --verbose ${filename}
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The command git apply --verbose ${filename} is used to apply a patch file to your Git repository with the additional option of displaying verbose output.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • git apply: This is the Git command used to apply patches or changes from a patch file to your repository.

  • --verbose: This is an option that tells Git to display a more detailed output while applying the patch. It provides information about each patch being applied, such as the file name, hunks (sections of code changes), and whether they were successfully applied or not.

  • ${filename}: This is a placeholder that represents the actual filename of the patch file you want to apply. You should replace ${filename} with the actual file name. For example, if your patch file is named mychanges.patch, the command would be git apply --verbose mychanges.patch.

By executing this command, Git will attempt to apply the changes specified in the patch file to your repository and display detailed output about the changes being applied.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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