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git-bisect: For each commit that `git bisect` selects, mark it as "bad" or "good" after testing it for the issue.
$ git bisect ${select}
try on your machine

The git bisect command is used to perform a binary search on the commit history of a repository in order to find a specific commit that introduced a bug or caused a problem.

The ${select} in the command git bisect ${select} is a placeholder for an argument or option that you need to provide when using the git bisect command. Depending on the situation, there can be different options or arguments that you can choose from.

For example, a commonly used option for git bisect is the start option, which marks the beginning of the bisect session. So, the command git bisect start is a common usage that starts the bisect session.

Another example is using the bad and good options to mark commits as either bad (containing the bug) or good (not containing the bug) as you go through the bisect session. Here is an example of how this could be done:

  1. Use git bisect start to start the bisect session.
  2. Mark a known bad commit: git bisect bad
  3. Mark a known good commit: git bisect good
  4. The bisect command will automatically checkout a commit in the middle of the chosen range.
  5. Test the code to determine if the commit is good or bad.
  6. Mark the commit as either bad or good using the respective option: git bisect bad or git bisect good
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 until you find the specific commit that introduced the bug.

So, in summary, the ${select} in the git bisect ${select} command is a placeholder for the specific option or argument that you need to provide when using the git bisect command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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