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git-blame: Print file with author name and commit hash on each line at a specific commit.
$ git blame ${commit} ${filename}
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The git blame command is used to display the author and commit information of each line in a file. It helps you determine who last modified a particular line and which commit it was modified in.

The command "git blame ${commit} ${filename}" allows you to see the commit information for each line of a file at a specific commit. Here's how each parameter is used:

  • ${commit}: This parameter is used to specify the commit at which you want to see the blame information. It can be a commit ID, a branch name, or a tag. This helps you see the status of the file at that specific commit.

  • ${filename}: This parameter specifies the file you want to see the blame information for. It can be a single file or a path to a file within the repository. This helps you narrow down the blame information to a specific file.

By running "git blame ${commit} ${filename}", you'll be provided with a list of lines in the file along with the author's name and the commit information for each line. This can be useful for tracking changes, identifying who made certain modifications, and understanding the development history of a file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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