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git-browse-ci: Open the current repository's CI configuration on its upstream website for a specific remote.
$ git browse-ci ${remote}
try on your machine

The command "git browse-ci ${remote}" is not a standard git command. It seems to be a custom command or an alias created by the user or a third-party tool.

Without further information regarding the context or the specific implementation of this command, it is difficult to provide a detailed explanation. However, based on the name and pattern of the command, it is likely designed to open a web browser and navigate to a Continuous Integration (CI) service or a build pipeline associated with the provided remote repository.

The "${remote}" variable is likely expected to be replaced with the name of a remote repository configured in the local git repository. The specific value of "${remote}" will determine which CI service or pipeline will be opened in the web browser.

It is recommended to consult the documentation or the source code where this command is defined to gain a better understanding of its functionality and how it interacts with the specific CI setup being used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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