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git-bug: Search for bugs by text content.
$ git bug ls "${search_query}" baz
try on your machine

This command is a Git alias where git bug ls is the primary command, with "${search_query}" and baz as arguments.

  • git bug ls is a custom Git alias that has been set up to execute a specific Git command or sequence of commands. This alias is generally defined in the Git configuration file (~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git/config) or in a repository-specific Git configuration file (.git/config).

  • "${search_query}" is a placeholder for a variable value that will be substituted when the command is executed. It is enclosed in double quotes "" to preserve any spaces or special characters that may be present in the value of the search_query variable.

  • baz is a second argument that is passed to the Git alias. It could represent any specific value or additional parameter required by the custom command. Its usage and purpose depend on the specific implementation of the alias.

To get a more accurate understanding of this command, it is necessary to inspect the Git configuration files and check for a defined alias called bug with a ls command that takes these arguments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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