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git-bug: Filter and sort bugs using a query.
$ git bug ls "${status}:${open} ${sort}:${edit}"
try on your machine

This command is a Git command that lists bugs in a repository based on certain criteria.

Let's break down the command:

  1. git bug ls: It is the main command that you are executing. git bug refers to a Git extension or plugin that provides bug tracking functionality. The ls command is used to list or display bugs in the repository.

  2. "${status}:${open} ${sort}:${edit}": This part of the command consists of several variables/constants joined together with colons and spaces.

  • ${status}: This variable refers to the status of the bugs you want to list. It could be something like "closed" or "open". The value of this variable will be substituted when the command is executed.

  • ${open}: This variable refers to the open bugs. It could be a filter or condition applied to the status of bugs. Similarly to ${status}, the value of this variable will be substituted when the command is executed.

  • ${sort}: This variable represents the way in which the bugs should be sorted when listed. It could be something like "date" or "priority". Again, the value of this variable will be substituted when the command is executed.

  • ${edit}: This variable determines whether you want to edit the listed bugs. Its value can be "yes" or "no". Once more, the value will be substituted during command execution.

So, when you run the command, it will list bugs in the repository based on the defined status, open condition, sorting criteria, and whether you want to edit any of the listed bugs. The actual values of the variables will determine what exactly is listed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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