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git-bulk: Run a Git command on the repositories of the current workspace.
$ git bulk ${command} ${command_arguments}
try on your machine

The command git bulk is not a standard Git command but rather a placeholder for a custom or alias command in Git. It is commonly used as shorthand or a wrapper for executing multiple Git commands in bulk or performing repetitive tasks.

${command} denotes the specific Git command that the git bulk command is intended to execute. Examples of Git commands that can be used with git bulk are commit, push, pull, add, status, etc. The ${command_arguments} section represents any additional arguments or options needed for the specific Git command within the git bulk context.

Here is an example of how git bulk can be used with a specific Git command:

git bulk commit -m "Add new feature"

In this example, the git bulk command is used to execute multiple commit operations in bulk. The specific Git command executed is commit, and the -m option with the corresponding message "Add new feature" is passed as the ${command_arguments}.

Note that the exact behavior of the git bulk command can vary depending on the implementation or configuration of the custom or alias command. It is advisable to check the specific implementation or documentation of git bulk in the context you are using it to understand its functionality and behavior.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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