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git-bulk: Clone a repository inside a specific directory then register the repository as a workspace.
$ git bulk --addworkspace ${workspace_name} ${-absolute-path-to-parent_directory} --from ${remote_repository_location}
try on your machine

This command is not a standard git command and seems to be a custom or third-party command. It is difficult to provide an accurate explanation without additional context or information about the specific tool or script that this command belongs to.

However, based on the given command, we can try to infer its purpose and the likely meaning of its components:

  1. git bulk: This is likely the name of a custom command or script. It is not a standard git command.

  2. --addworkspace ${workspace_name}: This argument suggests that we are adding a workspace with a given name in the repository. The ${workspace_name} is a placeholder that should be replaced by the actual name of the workspace.

  3. ${-absolute-path-to-parent_directory}: This component likely represents the absolute path to the parent directory where the workspace will be created. It is prefixed with a - sign, which might indicate that the path is optional or has certain conditions attached. Make sure to replace ${-absolute-path-to-parent_directory} with the actual absolute path.

  4. --from ${remote_repository_location}: This option suggests that the workspace is being created from a remote repository located at ${remote_repository_location}. The ${remote_repository_location} is another placeholder that should be replaced with the actual remote repository location URL.

To get a more accurate understanding of this command, it is advisable to refer to the documentation or source code of the specific tool or script that incorporates this command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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