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git-bundle: Print to the standard output the list of references contained in a bundle.
$ git bundle unbundle ${filename-bundle}
try on your machine

The git bundle unbundle command is used to extract objects and references from a git bundle file and store them in a regular git repository.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • git bundle unbundle: This is the command to execute the unbundle functionality of git.
  • ${filename-bundle}: This is a placeholder for the name of the bundle file you want to unbundle. You need to replace ${filename-bundle} with the actual name of the bundle file you want to extract data from. For example, if the bundle file is named mybundle.bundle, you would replace ${filename-bundle} with mybundle.bundle.

To use this command:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt in the directory where your git repository is located.
  2. Run the command git bundle unbundle ${filename-bundle}, replacing ${filename-bundle} with the actual name of the bundle file.
  3. Git will extract the objects and references from the bundle file and store them in the current repository. If the bundle file contains a complete repository, you will essentially have a cloned copy of the original repository.

Note: Bundles are useful for transferring git repositories as a single file, which can then be extracted on another machine.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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