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git-changelog: List pretty formatted range of commits between the tag `0.5.0` and the tag `1.0.0`.
$ git changelog --start-tag ${0-5-0} --final-tag ${1-0-0}
try on your machine

The command you provided is not a valid Git command. Git does not have a built-in command called "changelog".

However, assuming you are referring to a custom Git command or alias, let's break down the provided command:

git changelog --start-tag ${0-5-0} --final-tag ${1-0-0}

  1. git: This is the command-line tool for version control.
  2. changelog: This is not a standard Git command, so it must refer to a customized command or alias.
  3. --start-tag ${0-5-0}: This is an option for the "changelog" command, where --start-tag indicates the starting tag for generating the changelog. The value ${0-5-0} seems to be a placeholder for the starting tag. The format 0-5-0 represents a version number.
  4. --final-tag ${1-0-0}: This is another option for the "changelog" command, where --final-tag represents the ending (or final) tag for generating the changelog. The value ${1-0-0} seems to be a placeholder for the final tag. The format 1-0-0 represents a version number.

Without further information on the custom command or alias "changelog", it is not possible to provide a more detailed explanation. Please provide more context or details about how "changelog" is implemented or what it is meant to do.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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