This command appears to be a custom git command called "changelog" with two arguments: "--start-commit" and "--final-tag".
The "--start-commit" argument is followed by the commit SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) ${0b97430}, which represents a specific commit in the git repository. The commit SHA is a unique identifier for each commit and allows you to reference a specific point in the project's history.
The "--final-tag" argument is followed by the tag name ${1-0-0}, which represents a specific tag in the git repository. Tags are used to mark specific points in the project's history, typically for releases or important milestones. In this case, the tag name is "1-0-0".
Based on the command's name ("git changelog"), it is likely that it generates a changelog or release notes between the specified commit and tag. It may analyze the commit history and generate a list of changes made since the specified commit up until the tag.
However, without knowing the specifics of the custom "git changelog" command, it's impossible to provide a fully accurate explanation. The behavior of this command would depend on how it's implemented in the git configuration or any additional scripts or tools associated with it.