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git-check-ignore: Use pathnames, one per line, from `stdin`.
$ git check-ignore --stdin < ${filename_list}
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This command is used to check if a list of files is ignored by Git.

  • git check-ignore is the command used to determine if a file is ignored according to the Gitignore rules in your repository.
  • --stdin flag specifies that the list of files to be checked will be provided through standard input instead of writing them directly as arguments.
  • < ${filename_list} redirects the content of the file ${filename_list} as an input to the command git check-ignore --stdin.

So, the command reads the filenames from the ${filename_list} file and checks if each file is ignored by Git based on the repository's Gitignore rules.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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