The command "git check-ref-format --branch @{-1}" is used in Git to check the validity of a branch reference name.
Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:
"git check-ref-format": This is the basic command for checking the validity of a reference name in Git. It is used to ensure that the given reference name follows the rules and conventions set by Git.
"--branch": This is an option passed to the "git check-ref-format" command to specify that we want to check the validity of a branch reference name.
"@{-1}": This is a special syntax used in Git to refer to the previously checked-out branch. Git maintains a list of the last few branches that were checked out, and "@{-1}" represents the previous branch from this list.
Putting it all together, "git check-ref-format --branch @{-1}" is used to check if the previously checked-out branch reference name (the branch you were on before the current one) is valid according to Git's naming rules. It helps to ensure that branch names meet the required format and do not contain any illegal characters.