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git-checkout-index: Export a copy of the entire tree at the last commit to the specified directory (the trailing slash is important).
$ git checkout-index --all --force --prefix=${path-to-export_directory-}
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The command git checkout-index is used to export all files from the Git index to the file system. It provides an easy way to extract the files that are currently staged in the index.

In this specific command:

--all flag is used to include all files from the index, regardless of their status (modified, added, deleted).

--force flag is used to overwrite files in the export directory if they already exist.

--prefix=${path-to-export_directory-} specifies the prefix or the directory path where the exported files will be placed. ${path-to-export_directory-} should be replaced with the actual desired path.

Overall, this command is exporting all files from the Git index and saving them to a specified export directory, overwriting any existing files with the same name.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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