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git-cherry-pick: Apply a commit to the current branch.
$ git cherry-pick ${commit}
try on your machine

The git cherry-pick command in Git is used to apply a single commit from one branch onto another branch. Here, ${commit} refers to the specific commit you want to apply.

When you execute the command git cherry-pick ${commit}, Git will try to take the changes made in the specified commit and apply them to your current branch.

The process of using git cherry-pick involves the following steps:

  1. Make sure you are on the branch where you want to apply the changes.
  2. Execute the git cherry-pick ${commit} command, replacing ${commit} with the actual commit identifier (e.g., a hash value or a branch name).
  3. Git will attempt to find the specified commit and apply its changes on top of your current branch.
  4. If the cherry-pick is successful, the changes from the specified commit will be added to your current branch, creating a new commit.
  5. If there are conflicts between the changes in the specified commit and your current branch, Git will pause the cherry-pick process and prompt you to resolve the conflicts manually.
  6. After resolving any conflicts, use git cherry-pick --continue to proceed and complete the cherry-pick operation.
  7. If the cherry-pick is successful, you will have the changes from the specified commit applied to your current branch, allowing you to integrate selective commits from one branch to another.

It's worth noting that git cherry-pick does not copy the entire history of the commit; it only applies the changes introduced by that commit.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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