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git-cherry-pick: Add the changes of a commit to the working directory, without creating a commit.
$ git cherry-pick -n ${commit}
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The git cherry-pick -n ${commit} command is a Git command used to apply changes from a specific commit to the current branch, but without committing them immediately. Here is a breakdown of the various parts of the command:

  • git cherry-pick: This is the main Git command used for applying changes from one branch to another. It is primarily used to incorporate specific commits from one branch into another.
  • -n: The -n option stands for "no-commit" or "no-autocommit". When used with git cherry-pick, it prevents the command from automatically creating a new commit after applying the changes of the specified commit. Instead, it stages the changes in the current branch but leaves it up to the user to commit them manually.
  • ${commit}: This represents the identifier of the commit that you want to cherry-pick, typically a commit hash or a branch name. It points to the commit whose changes you want to apply to the current branch.

When executed, the command will apply the changes introduced by the specified commit to the current branch's working directory but does not create a new commit. This allows you to review and potentially modify the changes before committing them.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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