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git-clone: Clone a local repository.
$ git clone --local ${path-to-local-repository}
try on your machine

The command "git clone --local ${path-to-local-repository}" is used to create a local copy of a Git repository on your computer.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "git clone": This is the basic Git command used to clone (or create a copy) of a repository. It allows you to download all the files and history of a repository onto your local machine.

  • "--local": This flag tells Git to clone the repository from the local file system rather than a remote location (like a server or the internet). By using this flag, you can create a local copy of a repository that is already stored on your computer.

  • "${path-to-local-repository}": This is the placeholder for the actual path to the local repository you want to clone. You need to replace "${path-to-local-repository}" with the specific directory path where your repository is stored. For example, if your repository is located in a folder named "my-repo" on your desktop, the command may be: "git clone --local /Users/YourUsername/Desktop/my-repo".

By running this command, Git will create a clone of the specified local repository in your current working directory or in a directory specified after the command. This allows you to have a separate local copy of the repository for making changes, experimenting, or collaborating with others while keeping the original repository intact.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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