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git-cola: Start git cola in amend mode.
$ git cola --amend
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The command git cola --amend is used to interactively amend or modify the most recent commit in Git using the Git Cola interface.

In more detail:

  • git cola is a graphical user interface (GUI) tool for Git. It provides a more intuitive and visual way to interact with Git than the command line interface.
  • --amend is an option that tells Git to modify the most recent commit instead of creating a new commit. It allows you to add changes, update the commit message, or both.

When you run git cola --amend, the Git Cola GUI will open, displaying the interface to modify the most recent commit. From here, you can do various things, such as:

  1. Stage and unstage changes: You can selectively add or remove changes from the staging area.
  2. Modify the commit message: You can edit the commit message to provide a more descriptive or accurate summary of the changes.
  3. View and compare changes: You can browse through the changes made in the commit and compare them with the previous version.

Once you are satisfied with the modifications, you can save the changes, and Git will update the most recent commit with your changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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