The command "git cola --status-filter ${filter}" is a command used to launch the Git Cola application with a specific status filter.
Explaining the different components of the command:
"git cola": This is the main command to launch the Git Cola application. "git cola" is a graphical user interface (GUI) for Git, providing an easy-to-use interface for managing Git repositories.
"--status-filter": This is an option or flag that is specific to Git Cola. It is used to specify a filter for the repository status view. The filter determines which files are displayed in the status view based on certain criteria, such as file status (modified, untracked, etc.), file type, or other attributes.
"${filter}": This is a placeholder or variable that represents the specific filter value that you want to provide. You need to replace "${filter}" with the actual filter you want to use. For example, if you want to filter the status view to only show modified files, you would replace "${filter}" with "modified".
Overall, this command launches the Git Cola application and sets a specific status filter to control which files are displayed in the repository status view. The "${filter}" placeholder allows you to customize the filter based on your specific needs.