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git-column: Format the standard input as multiple columns with a maximum padding of `30`.
$ ls | git column --mode=column --padding=${30}
try on your machine

This command consists of two parts joined by the pipe symbol |.

The first part is ls, which is a command used to list the files and directories in a specific directory. When executed, it will display a simple list of file and directory names.

The second part is git column --mode=column --padding=${30}. This part involves the git column command with two options specified: --mode=column and --padding=${30}.

The git column command is a utility provided by Git, a version control system. It is used to format textual input into multiple columns. It takes the input from the previous command (ls in this case) through the pipe and formats it into columns.

The --mode=column option specifies that the input should be arranged in column format.

The --padding=${30} option sets the padding between columns to 30 characters. It means that there will be a gap of 30 spaces between each column.

So, combining the two parts, the command ls | git column --mode=column --padding=${30} will execute the ls command to list files and directories, and then pass that list through the pipe to the git column command, which will format it into multiple columns with a padding of 30 characters between each column. The formatted result will be displayed in the terminal.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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