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List of commands for git-commit:

  • git-commit:tldr:1ecaa git-commit: Commit only specific (already staged) files.
    $ git commit ${filename1} ${filename2}
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  • git-commit:tldr:658f1 git-commit: Commit staged files with a message read from a file.
    $ git commit --file ${path-to-commit_message_file}
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  • git-commit:tldr:6f824 git-commit: Commit staged files to the repository with a message.
    $ git commit --message "${message}"
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  • git-commit:tldr:94000 git-commit: Auto stage all modified and deleted files and commit with a message.
    $ git commit --all --message "${message}"
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  • git-commit:tldr:a5c1b git-commit: Update the last commit by adding the currently staged changes, changing the commit's hash.
    $ git commit --amend
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  • git-commit:tldr:e8859 git-commit: Commit staged files and sign them with the specified GPG key (or the one defined in the config file if no argument is specified).
    $ git commit --gpg-sign ${key_id} --message "${message}"
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  • git-commit:tldr:ff4d6 git-commit: Create a commit, even if there are no staged files.
    $ git commit --message "${message}" --allow-empty
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