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git-commit-graph: Write a commit-graph file containing all commits in the current commit-graph file along with those reachable from `HEAD`.
$ git rev-parse ${HEAD} | git commit-graph write --stdin-commits --append
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This command involves two Git commands: git rev-parse and git commit-graph write.

  1. git rev-parse is a command that is used to transform various values into a unique commit object identifier, also known as a SHA-1 hash. In the given command, git rev-parse is used to get the commit hash for the HEAD reference.

    ${HEAD} is a placeholder representing the commit reference to be resolved. The exact value of HEAD can vary depending on the state of the repository. For example, it could be a branch name like master or a specific commit hash.

    The command git rev-parse ${HEAD} will output the commit hash associated with the HEAD reference.

  2. The output of git rev-parse is then piped (|) as input to the next command git commit-graph write.

    git commit-graph write is a command that generates or updates commit-graph files in Git repositories. Commit-graph files improve performance for operations that involve commit traversal, like git log or git blame, by creating a more efficient data structure.

    In the given command, git commit-graph write is used with the following options:

    • --stdin-commits: This option instructs Git to read commit hashes from the standard input (the output of git rev-parse ${HEAD}) instead of directly specifying them.
    • --append: This option tells Git to append the commit graph data to the existing commit-graph file, if any, rather than overwriting it completely.

    Combining these options with the piped commit hash from git rev-parse, git commit-graph write --stdin-commits --append takes the commit hash associated with HEAD and updates the commit-graph file with the new commit data, preserving any previous data if present.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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