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git-commit-tree: Create a GPG-signed commit object.
$ git commit-tree ${tree} -m "${message}" --gpg-sign
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The git commit-tree command creates a new commit object from the given tree object and various other parameters. Here is a breakdown of the command:

${tree}: This is a placeholder for the SHA-1 hash of the tree object representing the current state of the project's files and directories. The tree object captures the snapshot of the project at the point of the commit.

-m "${message}": This option specifies the commit message for the new commit. ${message} is another placeholder for the actual commit message you want to provide. It is enclosed in double quotes ("${message}"). The commit message typically describes the changes or purpose of the commit.

--gpg-sign: This option enables the commit to be signed using GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) for cryptographic integrity verification. GPG is a widely used software for secure communication and data integrity. When this option is used, the commit gets signed with the committer's GPG key, providing assurance of the commit's authenticity and integrity.

Overall, this command creates a new commit object with the specified tree object, commit message, and GPG signature if enabled. The commit object becomes a part of the Git repository and represents a specific state of the project at a given point in time.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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