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git-commit-tree: Create a commit object with the specified parent commit object.
$ git commit-tree ${tree} -m "${message}" -p ${parent_commit_sha}
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The command git commit-tree is used to create a new commit object within a Git repository. It allows you to manually specify various parameters for the commit, such as the parent commit, commit message, and the tree object.

Let's break down the command:

${tree}: This represents the tree object of the commit. In Git, a tree object is a snapshot of the directory structure at a given point in time. It contains references to blobs (file contents) and subtrees (nested folders and files). You need to provide the SHA-1 hash of the tree object you want to use for the commit.

-m "${message}": This option sets the commit message for the new commit. The ${message} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual commit message you want to use. The commit message is a description of the changes made in the commit, typically to provide context and explain the purpose of the commit.

-p ${parent_commit_sha}: Here, ${parent_commit_sha} represents the SHA-1 hash of the parent commit. The parent commit specifies the commit that directly precedes the new commit you are creating. By specifying the parent commit, you establish the revision history in your Git repository.

In summary, the command git commit-tree is used to create a new commit manually by specifying the tree object, commit message, and parent commit. It is often used in Git internals or advanced Git workflows, rather than in day-to-day usage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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