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git-config: Revert a global configuration entry to its default value.
$ git config --global --unset alias.unstage
try on your machine

The command git config --global --unset alias.unstage is used to remove the customization of the "unstage" alias in the global Git configuration.

Git aliases are used to create shortcuts for frequently used Git commands. When you define an alias, you can use that alias instead of typing the full command. It helps to improve productivity and reduce the amount of typing required.

In the given command, --global indicates that the configuration is being applied globally for all repositories on the current user's account. --unset is the command to remove a configuration entry. And alias.unstage specifies the configuration entry that should be removed, specifically the "unstage" alias.

If you previously set an alias for the "unstage" command globally using git config --global alias.unstage <alias-name>, this command will remove that customization, reverting it back to the default behavior.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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