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git-count: Print the number of commits per contributor and the total number of commits.
$ git count --all
try on your machine

The command git count --all is not a native Git command. It is likely a custom command or an extension added to Git that counts various elements of a Git repository.

Without more context or information about the specific implementation of this command, it is difficult to provide an exact explanation. However, based on the provided command, it is possible to make some assumptions:

  • git refers to the Git version control system.
  • count likely indicates that the command will perform some form of counting or analysis.
  • --all is an argument or option that specifies that the counting should include all branches or references in the repository.

In practice, this command might provide information such as the total number of commits, tags, branches, or other Git-related entities within the repository. But since it is not a standard Git command, its behavior would be specific to the custom or extended functionality added.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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