The command "git cp" is not a native Git command. The standard Git commands for copying are "git mv" (to rename/move) or "git cp" (to copy a file's contents to another file). However, "git cp" is not a built-in Git command but it might be a custom command or an alias set up in your Git configuration.
Assuming "git cp" is an alias or custom command and you're passing the arguments "${filename}" and "${path-to-new_file}", here's what it might do:
- "${filename}" refers to the name of the file you want to copy/move.
- "${path-to-new_file}" refers to the desired path and name of the new file after copying/moving.
The command would execute some custom logic to copy the contents of the file specified by "${filename}" and create a new file with the given "${path-to-new_file}".
To better understand what the command does, you can check your Git configuration for any custom aliases or commands defined. You can do this by running the command "git config --global --get alias.cp" or "git config --get alias.cp". If there is an alias or custom command named "cp", it will display the associated command or script.