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git-delta: List files from the current checked out branch that differ from the `main` branch.
$ git delta ${main}
try on your machine

The command "git delta ${main}" is not a valid Git command, and it seems to be missing some necessary components.

However, if we assume that "${main}" is a placeholder representing the name of a branch in Git, we can explain a similar command: "git diff ${main}".

The "git diff" command in Git is used to show the differences between different states of the repository. When used with a branch name, such as "${main}", it compares the current state of the repository (usually represented by the currently checked-out branch) with the specified branch.

In simple terms, the "git diff ${main}" command compares the differences or changes made in the current branch compared to the specified branch (${main}). It will display a list of added, modified, and deleted files, as well as the specific changes within each file.

Note: The actual command being used may differ based on the specific git configuration and any other customizations made to the Git environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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