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git-describe: Create a name with 4 digits for the abbreviated commit hash.
$ git describe --abbrev=${4}
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The command "git describe --abbrev=${4}" is used to provide a description of the current commit in a repository.

Here's an explanation of the command and its options:

  • "git describe" is the base command to retrieve a description of a commit.
  • "--abbrev=${4}" is an option where ${4} denotes a variable that specifies the desired abbreviation length for the commit ID in the description.

For instance, the command "git describe --abbrev=4" will generate a commit description using the most recent annotated tag reachable from the commit, followed by the number of additional commits on top of the annotated tag, and finally a partial SHA-1 commit ID. The abbreviation length for the partial SHA-1 commit ID will be 4 characters.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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