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git-diff: Compare a single file between two branches or commits.
$ git diff ${branch_1}..${branch_2} [--] ${filename}
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The command git diff ${branch_1}..${branch_2} [--] ${filename} is used to show the difference between two branches (${branch_1} and ${branch_2}) for a specific file (${filename}). Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • git diff: This is the basic command for displaying differences between different states of a Git repository.

  • ${branch_1} and ${branch_2}: These are placeholders representing the names of two branches you want to compare. Replace them with the actual branch names you want to compare. For example, master and feature/branch-1.

  • ..: This is the range operator used to specify the range of commits or branches you want to compare. It indicates a range from ${branch_1} to ${branch_2} (inclusive).

  • [--]: This is an optional flag used to separate the range specification from the filename. It is used to prevent ambiguity in case the filename starts with a hyphen (-).

  • ${filename}: This is the name of the file you want to compare between the branches. Replace it with the actual filename you want to examine. For example, app.js or

When you run the command, Git will compare the specified file ${filename} between the commits or branches represented by ${branch_1} and ${branch_2}. It will display the differences, highlighting the lines that were added, modified, or deleted in the file between the two branches.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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