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git-difftool: Use the default diff tool to show staged changes.
$ git difftool --staged
try on your machine

The command "git difftool --staged" is used to open a visual diff tool to compare changes between the staged (index) area and the last commit.

In Git, the staging area (also known as the index) is where you prepare changes before committing them to the repository. When you use "git add" to stage changes, they are added to the staging area.

Now, "git difftool" is used to launch a visual diff tool to compare changes. It displays the differences between various versions of a file or multiple files, making it easier to understand the changes made to the code.

By using the "--staged" option with "git difftool", you specifically instruct Git to compare the changes between the staged area and the last commit. This is useful to review the modifications that you have staged before finalizing the commit.

Once you run "git difftool --staged", Git will launch the configured diff tool, and you can examine the differences between the changes in the staging area and the last commit in a more visual way. This allows you to review and make any necessary changes before committing the code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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