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git-difftool: List available diff tools.
$ git difftool --tool-help
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The git difftool --tool-help command is used to display a list of available diff tool configurations that can be used with Git.

When you run this command in your Git repository, it will show a list of available diff tools along with their configurations. Each diff tool is defined in the Git configuration, and this command helps you identify the available options.

The output of this command will typically include the names of available diff tools, such as "meld", "kdiff3", "vimdiff," or others depending on what you have configured on your system. The output may also provide additional information such as configuration variables, command-line options, or any specific requirements for each tool.

By running git difftool --tool-help, you can determine which diff tools are available on your system and their respective configurations. You can then choose a suitable tool, configure it as your preferred diff tool using the git config command, and use it to compare changes between different versions of files in your Git repository.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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