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git-fame: Calculate contributions for the current Git repository.
$ git fame
try on your machine

The command git fame is not a built-in, default command in Git. It is actually an example of a custom Git command, also referred to as a Git alias.

Git aliases allow users to create their own custom commands that simplify and automate frequently used Git operations. These aliases can be set up to execute a sequence of Git commands or a single command with custom flags or options.

In the specific case of git fame, it is likely a custom command created by a user. Without more context or knowledge of the user's specific configuration, it is impossible to determine the exact functionality of this command.

To check if git fame is a custom command in your Git configuration, you can run the following command:

git config --get alias.fame

If this command returns a value, then git fame is a custom alias and the output will represent the command it is aliased to. If the command returns nothing, git fame is not a custom alias in your configuration.

It's worth noting that the specific behavior of a custom command can vary depending on the user's intentions and how they've configured it. In general, custom Git commands can help simplify repetitive tasks or combine multiple Git operations into a single, easy-to-use command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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