The command "git fame --ignore-whitespace" is used to generate a report of file contributions in a Git repository while ignoring changes related to whitespace (such as space, tab, or line ending differences).
"git fame" is not a built-in Git command but rather a popular third-party tool that provides a detailed report of file contributions by authors in a Git repository based on different metrics like lines of code, commits, deletions, etc. It helps to identify the most active contributors in a project.
The "--ignore-whitespace" flag modifies the behavior of the "git fame" command by excluding whitespace changes from the report. Whitespace changes generally include modifications like spacing, indentation, and linebreaks, which are not relevant to the content or functionality of the code.
By using this command, you will get a file contribution report that focuses only on non-whitespace related changes, providing a clearer picture of the authors' contributions in terms of code modifications rather than cosmetic formatting.