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git-filter-repo: Replace a sensitive string in all files.
$ git filter-repo --replace-text <(echo '${find}==>${replacement}')
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The command git filter-repo --replace-text is used to perform a text replacement operation on the Git repository history. It allows you to replace occurrences of a specific text string with another string throughout the entire repository history.

In this specific command, <(echo '${find}==>${replacement}') is a "process substitution" that provides the replacement pattern to the git filter-repo command.

Let's break down this command further:

  1. git filter-repo is the command for executing the filter-repo tool, which is a more efficient and flexible alternative to Git's native filter-branch command. It allows you to perform filtering and transformation tasks on the repository history.

  2. --replace-text is an option for the git filter-repo command. It specifies that a text replacement operation needs to be performed.

  3. <(echo '${find}==>${replacement}') is the replacement pattern provided to the --replace-text option. It uses the process substitution technique (<()) to pass the output of the echo command as input to the git filter-repo command.

    • echo '${find}==>${replacement}' is an echo command that generates the replacement pattern. It uses ${find} and ${replacement} as placeholder variables for the text to be found and the text to replace it with, respectively. You would need to replace ${find} and ${replacement} with the actual text values.

    For example, if you wanted to replace all occurrences of the string "old" with "new", the command would look like this: git filter-repo --replace-text <(echo 'old==>new').

In summary, the git filter-repo --replace-text command utilizes the filter-repo tool to replace occurrences of a specific text string with another string across the entire Git repository history, using the provided replacement pattern.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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