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git-flow: Publish a feature to the remote server.
$ git flow feature publish ${feature}
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The git flow feature publish command is used in the Git Flow workflow to publish a feature branch to a remote repository. Here's an explanation of the command and its components:

  • git flow: This refers to the Git Flow extension, which provides high-level repository operations and branching model for Git.
  • feature: This specifies that you want to perform a feature-related operation.
  • publish: This is the subcommand that is used to publish a feature branch to the remote repository.
  • ${feature}: This is a placeholder for the name of the feature branch you want to publish. You need to replace ${feature} with the actual name of your feature branch when executing the command.

To use this command, make sure you have Git Flow installed and initialized in your repository. Then, in your terminal or command prompt, run the command git flow feature publish ${feature} where ${feature} is the name of your feature branch.

By publishing a feature branch, you make it accessible to other collaborators who can further work on it or review it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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