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git-force-clone: Clone a Git repository into an existing directory of a Git repository, performing a force-reset to resemble it to the remote and checking out an specific branch.
$ git force-clone -b ${branch_name} ${remote_repository_location} ${path-to-directory}
try on your machine

The command git force-clone -b ${branch_name} ${remote_repository_location} ${path-to-directory} is used to clone a specific branch from a remote Git repository to a specified directory on your local machine. Here's a breakdown of the different components:

  • git force-clone: This is the command itself. "force-clone" is not a standard Git command, so it might be a custom alias or an extension provided by your Git configuration.

  • -b ${branch_name}: This option specifies the branch that you want to clone from the remote repository. ${branch_name} should be replaced with the actual branch name you want to clone.

  • ${remote_repository_location}: This parameter indicates the location of the remote Git repository you want to clone from. It can be a URL (e.g., or a local path.

  • ${path-to-directory}: This parameter specifies the path to the directory where you want to clone the repository. Git will create this directory if it doesn't exist. It can be a relative or absolute path.

To explain it step by step, assuming you have the git force-clone command available:

  1. Replace ${branch_name} with the name of the branch you want to clone, for example, master or feature/xyz.

  2. Replace ${remote_repository_location} with the URL or local path of the remote repository you want to clone. For example, or /home/user/repository.

  3. Replace ${path-to-directory} with the path to the directory where you want to clone the repository. For example, ./my-project to clone it in a subdirectory called "my-project" within your current working directory, or /home/user/projects for an absolute path.

After replacing all the placeholders, the command can be executed to clone the specified branch from the remote repository to the specified directory on your local machine.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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