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git-force-clone: Clone a Git repository into a new directory.
$ git force-clone ${remote_repository_location} ${path-to-directory}
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This command is not a native Git command; it seems to be a custom command or script. Without the specific context or code, it's difficult to provide an accurate explanation. However, let's break down the command into its components:

  • git: It is the name of the version control system.
  • force-clone: It is not a standard Git command. It suggests that it may be a custom script or alias defined by the user to perform a specific action.
  • ${remote_repository_location}: It is a placeholder for the URL or location to the remote repository you want to clone. Typically, this would refer to a Git repository hosted on a remote server or another location accessible via a URL or file path.
  • ${path-to-directory}: It is a placeholder for the local directory where you want to clone the remote repository. This could be the name of an existing directory where you want to initialize the Git repository.

In summary, the given command appears to be an attempt to clone a remote Git repository to a local directory with the help of a non-standard git force-clone action or script.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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