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git-fsck: List all root nodes found.
$ git fsck --root
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The git fsck --root command is used to verify the integrity and consistency of the Git object database, specifically focusing on the commit graph starting from the root commit.

In Git, every commit has a unique identifier called a hash, and these commits form a directed acyclic graph. The root commit is the very first commit in the Git repository, from which all other commits are derived.

When you run git fsck --root, Git will inspect the commit graph starting from the root commit and check for any problems or inconsistencies, such as missing objects, dangling commits, or other errors. It ensures that all the objects referenced in the commit graph are still accessible and properly connected.

This command is useful for detecting and repairing issues in the Git object database, which could arise due to corrupted files, hardware failures, or manual modifications to the repository. Running git fsck --root helps ensure the repository's integrity and prevents potential problems when working with the repository further.

Keep in mind that the git fsck --root command may take some time to complete, especially for large repositories, as it iterates through all the commits in the commit graph.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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