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git-grep: Search for a string at a specific point in history.
$ git grep ${search_string} ${HEAD~2}
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This command uses the "git grep" command in Git to search for a specified string within the specified commit, ${HEAD~2}. Here is an explanation of the various elements in the command:

  • "git grep": This is a Git command that searches for a specified string within the files in a repository.

  • ${search_string}: This is a placeholder that represents the string you want to search for. You would replace ${search_string} with the actual string you want to search for, enclosed in quotes.

  • ${HEAD~2}: This is a Git revision specifier that represents the commit you want to search within. In this case, ${HEAD~2} represents the commit that is two commits before the current HEAD commit. It allows you to search for the specified string within the files in that specific commit.

By combining these elements, the "git grep ${search_string} ${HEAD~2}" command allows you to search for a specific string within the files of a specific commit, which can be useful for tracking changes or finding specific content in a Git repository.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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