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git-help: Display a list of all available Git subcommands.
$ git help --all
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The git help --all command displays all available Git manual pages or displays content from a specific manual page in the command line interface.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • git help: This is the main command used to get help and documentation about Git. Running this command alone will display the main help page, which provides an overview of the available Git commands and options.

  • --all: This option is used to display all available manual pages for Git. It shows a list of all available Git commands, including both commonly used commands and less commonly used ones. It provides a brief description of each command, allowing users to explore and learn about various Git features.

By running git help --all, you will see a list of commands and their descriptions. You can navigate through the list using the arrow keys and press Enter to view detailed information about a specific command.

This command is particularly useful for discovering less frequently used or lesser-known Git commands and understanding their functionalities.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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