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git-help: List the available guides.
$ git help --guide
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The command "git help --guide" is used in the Git version control system to access the built-in guide documentation.

When you run "git help --guide" in the terminal, Git will display a guide that provides an overview of the basic concepts and workflows of Git. This guide is useful for beginners who are new to Git and want to understand how to start using it for version control.

The "--guide" option specifies the specific section of the Git documentation to display. In this case, it refers to the guide section, which contains introductory information and gives an overview of the fundamental features and commands in Git.

By using this command, you can access the guide documentation directly from the command line, without the need to open a web browser or leave the terminal environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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