The command "git help --web ${subcommand}" is used to get help for a specific subcommand in Git and open it in a web browser.
Here's how it works:
"git help" is a Git command that displays the manual or help information for various Git commands or topics.
The "--web" option is used to open the help information in a web browser instead of displaying it in the terminal. Git will launch the default web browser and display the help page for the specified subcommand.
"${subcommand}" refers to the specific Git command or subcommand for which you want to see the help information. You need to replace "${subcommand}" with the actual command you want to get help for.
For example, if you want to get help for the "commit" command, you would use the command "git help --web commit". Git will open the help page for the "commit" subcommand in the web browser.