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git-help: List all possible configuration variables.
$ git help --config
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The "git help --config" command is used to display the Git configuration settings documentation.

When you run this command, Git will display the manual or documentation about the configuration settings. It will provide a detailed explanation of the various configuration options that you can set using Git.

The configuration settings in Git allow you to customize the behavior and settings of your Git repository. It includes options related to user information, default branch names, commit behavior, merge strategies, and many others. Understanding these configuration options can help you optimize your workflow and adapt Git to your specific needs.

Running "git help --config" is similar to running "git config --help", but it directly displays the documentation for the configuration settings. It can be useful when you want to quickly refer to the available configuration options and their usage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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