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git-ignore: Ignore file(s) privately, updating `.git/info/exclude` file.
$ git ignore ${file_pattern} --private
try on your machine

The command you provided is not a valid git command. However, I can provide an explanation for each part of the command separately:

  1. git ignore: This is not a standard git command. Git does not have a built-in 'ignore' command. However, developers often create custom scripts or aliases to achieve similar functionality.

  2. ${file_pattern}: The curly braces with a dollar sign inside are commonly used in shell scripts or certain command-line tools to denote a variable. Here, ${file_pattern} represents a placeholder for a file pattern or filename that you want to ignore.

  3. --private: This argument or option is not recognized by git either. Git has a set of standard options and arguments, but --private is not one of them. It's possible that it is a custom option for a specific implementation or extension of git.

Without further details or context, it is difficult to determine the exact intention or functionality of this command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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