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git-info: Display remote locations, remote and local branches and most recent commit data.
$ git info --no-config
try on your machine

The command "git info --no-config" is not a standard Git command. Typically, Git provides a set of built-in commands to manage source code repositories. However, the "git info --no-config" command is not a part of these built-in commands.

It is possible that the command you mentioned is a custom or third-party Git command or an alias set up by the user. In that case, it is crucial to know the purpose of the command and the specific implementation to provide a detailed explanation.

In general, the "git" command is used to interact with Git repositories, enabling various operations like cloning, committing changes, merging branches, and more. The use of flags or options (such as "--no-config") may alter the behavior of these commands by modifying certain configuration settings or enabling specific features.

To provide a more precise explanation, please provide additional context or information about the command "git info --no-config" if it is a custom command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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