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git-lfs: Change the Git LFS endpoint URL (useful if the LFS server is separate from the Git server).
$ git config -f .lfsconfig lfs.url ${lfs_endpoint_url}
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This command is used to modify the Git configuration file related to large file storage (LFS). Here is a breakdown of its components:

  • git config: This command is used to configure various aspects of Git, such as user information, preferences, and settings.
  • -f .lfsconfig: The -f flag specifies the configuration file to be modified. In this case, it refers to the .lfsconfig file.
  • lfs.url: This is the specific Git configuration property that will be modified. It represents the URL of the LFS server or endpoint.
  • ${lfs_endpoint_url}: This is a placeholder indicating that the value of the lfs.url property will be replaced with the provided lfs_endpoint_url.

In summary, this command updates the lfs.url property in the .lfsconfig file with the provided lfs_endpoint_url, allowing Git to interact with the specified LFS server for managing large files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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