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git-log: Show the sequence of commits starting from the current one, in reverse chronological order of the Git repository in the current working directory.
$ git log
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The "git log" command is used in Git version control system to display the commit history of a repository. It shows a list of commits made in chronological order, with the most recent commit shown first.

When you run the "git log" command, it opens a pager to scroll through the commit history. Each commit is displayed with detailed information such as the commit hash (unique identifier), author name and email, date and time the commit was made, and the commit message.

The commit history shown by "git log" provides a comprehensive overview of the repository's development timeline. It is especially useful for tracking changes, understanding who made the changes, and reviewing the commit messages for each change.

Additionally, "git log" supports various options and arguments to further customize the output, like limiting the number of commits shown, filtering commits by branch or author, displaying a concise summary, and formatting the log output in different ways.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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